It is necessary to know how to give and receive, in the same proportion. Giving too much can drain you out and to receive too little is not being fair to yourself.
Giving and being in solidarity with others are valuable virtues, but it is important to keep in mind that receiving is an act just as important.
Some people have a hard time receiving, they just donate. Donate their time and their energy without ever stopping to receive. This is because, unconsciously, it means to them an act of weakness, a fragility. They always need to demonstrate their strength to protect themselves from something. Other people believe that they need to give more than others to be wanted and loved. In many cases this is an escape from rejection and loneliness.
Either way, not knowing how to receive is a sign of lack of self-love. People do not think they deserve help, love, attention or praise, as they lack love.
How to believe and accept love when we lack self-love?
This unacceptance in receiving is a form of a protection, a (false) sense of superiority and might be your ego getting in the way.
If you are a person who feels that you do not deserve the attention, care and affection of others, you believe that you must always give yourself, even to be accepted, you think that receiving is an act of weakness, you need to work on the act of receiving.
Try to observe yourself, look inside yourself, and try to identify the feelings behind this refusal. And remember: receiving is just as important as giving. The scale must always be balanced.
You deserve back all the love you give.